{xDeathstarx} ·· USA // Hardcore · Metal

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xDEATHSTARx released "We Are the Threat" in 2007 and "The Triumph" in 2008 on Facedown Records. In 2009 the band announced they were breaking up and moving on their separate ways. In 2015 the band reunited to play Facedown Fest. They released a single titled "Generation".
// source ·

The Triumph
Original Release - 2004
Full Length
  1. cd Life Sentence Records, LFS29, 2004 · (1)
  2. cd Facedown Records, FCD076, 2008 · RI SS (2)
  3. cd Facedown Records, FCD076, 2008 · RI (2)

We Are The Threat
Original Release - 2007
Full Length
  1. lp Facedown Records, FCD056, 2017 · CV LS LE RI (1)

  2. cd Facedown, FCD056, 2007 · (1)

  3. dl Facedown, 2007 · MP3 // source (1)

Record (01) · Facedown LTD, limited edition 250 copies, oxblood