01 ·
Sanity Obscure
running time: 06:11
the end of time is drawing near,
the angels prepare for the harvest.
separation of the wicked and righteous,
the corrupt the fire infests.
sifting of humanity,
extirpation of the heathen.
cast into the infinite holocaust,
where time's end is never seen.
signs of the end have come,
nation will rise against nation.
famines wage war on the land,
the birth pains have begun.
these omens of sanity are obscured,
hidden from the insane minds.
though seeing they do not see,
they hear but understanding can't find.
this people's heart has become calloused,
their eyes they willfully seal.
otherwise their eyes might see,
and in turn become healed.
blurred visions.
sanity obscure.
matthew 13:39
mark 13
1 corinthians 2:7
romans 16:25

02 ·
Wisdom's Call
running time: 03:46
how long, will you, simple ones, love your, simple ways
and continue to reject the calling of wisdom?
fools mock, at making, amends, for sin,
you fools detest turning from evil.
does not, widsom, cry out, aloud, does not
understanding raise her voice?
the wise, attaining, wisdom, and discipline
listen and add to their learning.
worth more, than silver, yields more, than gold,
nothing you desire can compare with her.
those who, find her, through Christ, find life,
all those who hate her love death.
why don't you open up your mind,
can't you hear wisdom's cry?
proverbs 1:2, 5, 20-22; 3:13
proverbs 14; 8:1, 9, 35-36; 13:19; 14:9
03 ·
running time: 05:22
toxic waste corrupts the air,
adulteration of man's breath.
the sky pours forth rains of acid,
waters of life now bring death.
clear cuts expose the land,
forest ravaged by greed.
corporate lies being bought,
destruction for profit their creed.
surrounded by nonpoint filth,
pollution's silent killer.
ignoring our earth's decline,
out of sight, out of mind.
established upon the deep,
founded upon the seas.
the earth became infected,
from the fall came its disease.
pollution corrupts your soul,
wake up from your careless sleep.
open your eyes to see,
what you sow you'll surely reap.
psalm 24:2
revelation 16:15
galatians 6:7

04 ·
Idols of Ignorance
running time: 04:44
dreamers, enticed to turn away,
kneeling, to gods born from clay.
praying, to images carved of stone,
bowing though sins are not atoned.
hearing, only silence through your cries,
seeing, nothing with lifeless eyes.
worthless, are the objects idolized,
blinded, men fall to their demise.
unholy, lovers of themselves,
money, the lust of which compells.
brutal, without self control,
defying, the redeemer of their soul.
i am the first and the last,
Yaweh, creator of ages past.
ruler, author of the book of life,
fortress, saviour of impending strife.
"i am the Lord,
apart from me,
there is none.
i form the light,
of this dark world,
bow to me or die!"
deuteronomy 4:28
isaiah 44:9
2 timothy 3:3-5
isaiah 45:5, 7, 22
isaiah 44:6

05 ·
Stop the Madness
running time: 05:03
just an ignorant child,
brainwashed by this decaying world.
always searching to belong,
endless fear of being alone.
line by line.
i watch you die.
too blind to see,
your shattered dreams.
weary from the boring routine,
the dependency grows.
taught to listen to the wise,
but only heard the fools.
body once unscarred,
now being murdered by stupidity.
realization of the truth,
brings freedom in captivity.
john 14:6
john 8:32

06 ·
Dies Irae (Day of Wrath)
running time: 05:49
libera me, domine, de morte aeterna in die illa tremenda,
quendo coeli movendi sunt et terra,
dum veneris judicare saeculum per ignem.
(deliver me, Lord from eternal death,
on that dreadful day when heavens and earth
shall move, when you come to judge the
world through fire.)
tremens factus sum ego, et timeo, dum
discussio venerit at que ventura ira.
(i am made to tremble and to fear,
at the destruction that shall come,
and also at your coming wrath,
when heavens and earth shall move.)
dies illa, dies irae, calamitatis et
miseriae, dies magna et amara valde,
dum veneris judicare saeculum per ignem.
(that day, day of wrath, calamity and misery,
great and exceedingly bitter day, when you
come to judge the world through fire.)
requiem aeternam dona eis domine,
et lux perpetua luceat eis.
(rest eternal, grant them, Lord,
and may perpetual light shine on them.)
07 ·
Dust to Dust
running time: 05:02
beneath the sun, all deeds done, meaningless are they.
labor in vain, tormenting pain, incessant toil.
chasing the wind, grasping (for) what's been, wearisome longings.
ages now gone, time passes on, but the earth remains.
a time of birth, a time of death, perishing mortals.
men are like grass, which soon doth pass, destined to die.
houses of clay, doomed to decay, foundations of earth.
men come from dust, and to dust, in death all return.
the Lord did mold, man's flesh and soul, a creation of soil.
but just as man, from dust began, in death will face judgement.
but Christ was slain, bearing our pain, taking our sentence.
the Christ was dead, the blood he shed, absolves the guilty.
the hold of the grave, broken away, by the risen saviour.
prophecy fulfilled, his perfect will, providing eternal life.
death is certain, for every man, but belief gains life.
he who believes, life he'll receive even though he'll die.
from dust you came,
you must return.
can death you escape?
john 11:25
hebrew 9:27
genesis 3:19

08 ·
Like a Song
running time: 03:23
like a song i have to sing,
i sing it for you!
like the words i have to bring,
i bring them to you.
and in leather, lace or chains,
we stake our claim,
revolution once again.
but i won't,
i won't wear it on my sleeve.
i can see through this expression
and you know i don't believe.
i'm too old to be told,
exactly who are you?
tonight, tomorrow's too late.
and we love to wear a badge, a uniform
and we love to fly a flag.
but i won't let others live in hell,
as we divide against each other,
and we fight amongst ourselves.
too set in our ways to try to rearrange,
too right to be wrong, in this rebel song.
let the bells ring out, is there nothing left?
is honesty what you want?
a generation without name, ripped and torn,
nothing to lose, nothing to gain,
nothing at all.
and if you can't help yourself,
well take a look around you,
when others need your time.
you say it's time to go it's your time.
angry words won't stop the fight.
two wrongs won't make it right.
a new heart is what i need,
oh God, make it bleed,
is there nothing left?
09 ·
running time: 04:56