01 ·
running time: 05:19
all or nothing
no in between grey
white or black
no substitute
negligible people
get out of my way
get out of my path
because i'm a rebel
i am a radical-revolutionary
revolutionary antiestablishmentarian
i don't want to be superficial
i'll stand and fight
against this world
against it's evils
i know what's right
i know what's for me
i know what's for you
God is alive
many people see christianity as
nothing but an easy way, for a
cowardly person, to deal with
problems in life. in reality,
christianity is the toughest struggle
life can offer. to try to live as Christ,
is to live a radical life. it stands
against everything this world has to
02 ·
Six Feet Under
running time: 03:01
six feet under
but worlds away
just a box
with an empty shell inside
where you once lived
you live no more
you've left yourself
and you've left all of us
six feet under
you know i wonder
what do the people think
now that you're gone
though i grieve
i'm not filled with sorrow
yyou're alive and well
just not in front of my eyes
some day i'll join you
when i leave this shell
we'll be together for endless time
when someone dies, their soul
moves on. if they were saved and we
are saved, then we know that we will
spend eternity together in the
kingdom of God. we miss them on
earth, but we rejoice that they are
with the Lord.
03 ·
running time: 04:12
my thoughts run wild
as i sit in my pain
i've fought and fought
but nothing i've gained
nothing but sorrow
fills me up inside now
you make me angry
and you're bringing me down
my thoughts
i can't see you
where do you hide
you're in my head
you drive me crazy inside
try to twist my mind
make me fall down
i just can't stand you
why don't you leave me alone
i must resist you
it's the only way now
i can gain happiness
by driving you out
i need some peace of mind
so take yourself away
get out of my mind
i don't want you
my thoughts
when you can recognize some
problems, such as insecurities, as
merely thoughts - you can deal with
them more effectively.
04 ·
Eyes of a Foolish Man
running time: 02:36
i can't see, what you see
you say i'm closed minded
your mind is warped, you're so liberal
you think that i'm all messed up
looking through the eyes of a foolish man
"why don't you open your
eyes? why don't you start
thinking about someone and
something besides yourself?
do you think your life is in
your own hands? well it's
not. your open mindedness is
nothing but an excuse to
ignore the God who is there."
many people think that christianity is
another word for being closed
minded. the minute the name Jesus
is said, the so-called "open minded"
people usually refuse to listen. who's
the closed minded person now?
05 ·
running time: 02:35
stumbling inebriate
with a fermented god
mumbling drunkard
only half way alive
he lives for the bottle
to bring him some life
after he lost his possessions
after he lost his wife
he's killing himself now
swallow by swallow
cares not for the future
cares not for tomorrow
he trades his life away
for intoxication
indulges himself now
into oblivion
sot - a habitual drunkard
06 ·
Intermittent You
running time: 04:25
recurring love
you have given me
on again and off again
it's not what i want
take me or leave me
but don't make me wait
is something i hate
why do yo play games with me
i don't want to play anymore
intermittent you
interminable love
i have given you
incessant life
i have offered you
the deal of your lifetime
but still you refuse
to plant your love firmly
without a stopping point
why don't you see
why won't you open your arms to me
intermittent you
God loves us so much. all he wants
is for us to love him back.
07 ·
Radical Departure
running time: 03:53
i'm leaving you
so get out of my life
i don't want you around
i've found someone new,
i don't need your temptation
dragging me down
don't want to hear your lies
so get out of my mind
radical departure
reformation of my soul
i'm leaving the life
that gave in so easily
i'm throwing the past
out of my way
no regression
will drag at my feet
only progression
will walk in front of me
faith from within
will power my mind
strength from above
will fuel my soul
a revolution
my life has seen
a complete change
that will last for evermore
this refers to following Jesus and
leaving your past and what was
involved with it. although it will
always be grabbing at your heels,
God gives you strength to avoid
08 ·
Monkey on My Back
running time: 03:06
monkey on my back
i can't kick the habit
i'm addicted to it
and i'm stuck on you
so intrigued with my pleasure
can't see what it's worth
is it good for me?
who really knows
there's a monkey on my back
soon it starts to chisel
away at my pain
cutting to the bone
and it's leaving its scars
i must have an answer
so i look to myself
but nothing is there
to heal these wounds
i look to the heavens
and realize what i've missed
a God that is real
a love that is real
it's been there for me
and it will always be
so i accept the only cure
that can heal my wounds
this refers to anything addicting,
from drugs to the opposite sex. in
ourself we have no answer or cure.
the only thing that can truly restore
us is God.
09 ·
running time: 05:15
i need you
to get me out of bed
i can't stand on my own
i can't face the world alone
you give less each day
but you take more and more
taking me for all i've got
you've got me nailed to the floor
you're my crutch
and i'm your slave
i fake all my emotions
and i pretend i have joy
i have no true feelings
i'm just always high
you've rotted my brain
and you've taken my intelligence
all this in return for nothing
what a sacrifice i've made
now i've gone too far
i've pushed you past the limits
so you've taken me from this world
and left me burning in hell
you're my crutch
i was your slave
you're my crutch
but you'll do nothing for me now
what do drugs really have to offer?
nothing. people give their whole lives
to drugs. the only thing they will
ultimately give is death.
10 ·
running time: 04:28
as i sit here
never ending
i don't know why
in the wrong place
at the right time
until the day that i die
as i go near
selfishness my guide
i wear the wrong face
at the right time
i have lived a lie
he gives meaning
without disaster
the meaning is the way
one or the other today
only God can give true
meaning to our lives.
11 ·
running time: 02:33
produced by greg minier