- Galactic Cowboys
- Glass Harp / The Glass Harp
- Glenn Kaiser Band
- Global Warning
- Groms
- Guardian / Gardian
- G, Kenny
- Gaffron, Maron uno
- Galactic Cowboys
- Gale Force
- Gammacide
- Ganglion
- Garrels, Josh
- Gears Of Redemption uno
- Gecko Monks
- Generation
- George, Nathan Clark
- Getz, Stan
- Ghost Beat, The
- Giant
- Gideon
- Gideon's Press
- Gilbert Sisters, The
- Glacier-1
- Glacier-2
- Gladius-1
- Gladius-2
- Glae
- Glass Harp / The Glass Harp
- Glenn Kaiser Band
- Glissando
- Global Warning
- Global Wave System
- Gnashing Of Teeth-1
- Gnashing Of Teeth-2
- Gnod
- God
- Godfear / Transcendence uno
- Godhead uno
- Godman
- Gods Hammer
- Godsent Humans uno
- Godspeed-1
- Godspeed-2
- Godspeed-3
- Golgatha-1
- Golgatha-2 / Capewalk
- Goliath
- Gone From My Sight
- Gordon Knapp Band
- Goredeath
- Government Hate Mail
- Grace & Glory Covenant Choir
- Grace & Thieves
- Grammatrain uno
- Grand Funk Railroad
- Grand Lux
- Grant, Amy
- Graphic Verses
- Grave Declaration
- Grave Forsaken
- Great Gamble, The
- Green Olive Tree
- Greenland / Grun
- Gregory Salmela Project
- Grey Eminence, The
- Griffin, Victor
- Grimmark uno
- Grinder Blues
- Grindmother
- Grip
- Groms
- Grun / Greenland
- Grungepunks
- Guaraldi, Vince
- Guardian / Gardian
- Guardian1 uno
- Guardian Angel uno
- Guerra, Aaron
- Guild Of Lore
- Gypsy Flight