- A Hill To Die Upon
- A Hope For Home
- A Plea For Purging
- A Shell In The Pit
- Aaro
- Abandoned Mortuary
- Abated Mass Of Flesh
- Abbildung
- Abolishment Of Hate uno
- Absolved-1
- Absolved-2
- Absurd²
- Access To Arasaka
- Ace Augustine
- Aceldama
- Acid Blade / Angel Blade
- Acoustic Torment
- Adam Again
- Adorable Destroyer
- Adorned Graves
- Adventunnum
- Advocate uno
- Aemaeth
- Aeon Gate
- Aethernam
- Aeturnus
- Affinity
- Afterdeath uno
- Afterimage
- Against Evil
- Agartha
- Agonal uno
- Aletheian
- Alex Jones Prison Planet, The
- Alice In Chains
- All Depraved
- All For The King
- All In
- Almagor
- Altar Boys
- Altars
- Alternative Worship
- Am I Blood
- Amaziah
- Amelioration
- Amen
- American Arson
- American Standard
- American Standards
- Amethyst
- Amnos
- Among These Ashes
- Amos
- Amplified uno
- Anacrusis
- Anakanak
- Anatomy
- Anatomy Of A Creation uno
- Ancestor
- Ancient Empire
- Ancient Prophecy
- Angel 7
- Angel Of Sodom
- Angelic Force uno
- Angelic Forces
- Angelica
- Angelix uno
- Animals As Leaders
- Ankubu
- Ann, Holly
- Anointing uno
- Answer, The-1
- Answer, The-2
- Antestor / Crush Evil
- Anthem
- Anthony, Oliver
- Anti-World System
- Antidemon
- Antioch
- Antithesis
- Antiviper
- Aperture-1
- Aperture-2
- Apocalyptica
- Apologetix
- Apostisy
- Apostle
- Applehead
- Arbiter, The
- Arbitrarium
- ARC Soundtracks
- Arcanjjo / Arcanjo
- Archangel-1
- Archangel-2 uno
- Archivers
- Ard
- Arends, Carolyn
- Argyle Park / AP2
- Arise-1 uno
- Arise-2
- Ark Of The Covenant
- Armada
- Armageddon USA / Armageddon · Second Chance
- Armed Ark
- Armor
- Armored Disciples
- Arsenal
- Arthure
- A-Sun Amissa
- As Hell Retreats
- As I Lay Dying
- As The Story Grows
- Ascendicate, The / The 7 Method
- Aslan
- Assailant
- Assalant uno
- Asylum
- Atkins May Project
- Atomic Opera-1 uno
- Atomic Opera-2
- Attalus
- Audio Book ··· (Audio Book)
- August Burns Red
- Aunt Bettys
- Austrian Death Machine
- Authentic Dissent
- Awake
- Awful Truth, The
- Awolnation
- Axemaster
- Aziola Cry
- Azmorean / Snakes Of Byzantium
- Azorrague
- Aztec Jade
- Azusa