1. Applehead
  2. Atomic Opera-2

  1. A Hill To Die Upon
  2. A Hope For Home
  3. A Plea For Purging
  4. A Shell In The Pit
  5. Aaro
  6. Abandoned Mortuary
  7. Abated Mass Of Flesh
  8. Abbildung
  9. Abolishment Of Hate uno
  10. Absolved-1
  11. Absolved-2
  12. Absurd²
  13. Access To Arasaka
  14. Ace Augustine
  15. Aceldama
  16. Acid Blade / Angel Blade
  17. Acoustic Torment
  18. Adam Again
  19. Adorable Destroyer
  20. Adorned Graves
  21. Adventunnum
  22. Advocate uno
  23. Aemaeth
  24. Aeon Gate
  25. Aethernam
  26. Aeturnus
  27. AEX
  28. Affinity
  29. Afterdeath uno
  30. Afterimage
  31. Against Evil
  32. Agartha
  33. Agonal uno
  34. Aletheian
  35. Alex Jones Prison Planet, The
  36. Alice In Chains
  37. All Depraved
  38. All For The King
  39. All In
  40. Almagor
  41. Altar Boys
  42. Altars
  43. Alternative Worship
  44. Am I Blood
  45. Amaziah
  46. Amelioration
  47. Amen
  48. American Arson
  49. American Standard
  50. American Standards
  51. Amethyst
  52. Amnos
  53. Among These Ashes
  54. Amos
  55. Amplified uno
  56. Anacrusis
  57. Anakanak
  58. Anatomy
  59. Anatomy Of A Creation uno
  60. Ancestor
  61. Ancient Empire
  62. Ancient Prophecy
  63. Angel 7
  64. Angel Of Sodom
  65. Angelic Force uno
  66. Angelic Forces
  67. Angelica
  68. Angelix uno
  69. Animals As Leaders
  70. Ankubu
  71. Ann, Holly
  72. Answer, The-1
  73. Answer, The-2
  74. Antestor / Crush Evil
  75. Anthem
  76. Anthony, Oliver
  77. Anti-World System
  78. Antidemon
  79. Antioch
  80. Antithesis
  81. Antiviper
  82. Aperture-1
  83. Aperture-2
  84. Apocalyptica
  85. Apologetix
  86. Apostisy
  87. Apostle
  88. Applehead
  89. Arbiter, The
  90. ARC Soundtracks
  91. Arcanjjo / Arcanjo
  92. Archangel-1
  93. Archangel-2 uno
  94. Archivers
  95. Ard
  96. Arends, Carolyn
  97. Argyle Park / AP2
  98. Arise-1 uno
  99. Arise-2
  100. Ark Of The Covenant
  101. Armada
  102. Armageddon USA / Armageddon · Second Chance
  103. Armed Ark
  104. Armor
  105. Armored Disciples
  106. Arsenal
  107. Arthure
  108. A-Sun Amissa
  109. As Hell Retreats
  110. As I Lay Dying
  111. As The Story Grows
  112. Ascendicate, The / The 7 Method
  113. Aslan
  114. Assailant
  115. Assalant uno
  116. Asylum
  117. Atkins May Project
  118. Atomic Opera-1 uno
  119. Atomic Opera-2
  120. Attalus
  121. Audio Book ··· (Audio Book)
  122. August Burns Red
  123. Aunt Bettys
  124. Austrian Death Machine
  125. Authentic Dissent
  126. Awake
  127. Awful Truth, The
  128. Awolnation
  129. Aziola Cry
  130. Azorrague
  131. Azusa